Achieving Higher Production Efficiency Through Data-Driven OEE

With conditional lockdown relaxations coming into effect, manufacturers have started to reopen plants and resume their daily operations — still at reduced capacity, though. Yet this doesn’t mean that plant operators will experience a prolonged production hiccup.

As industry players aim squarely at optimizing productivity through data-driven OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), they are likely to keep production from grounding to a recurrent halt.

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There is a precondition for achieving a world-class OEE score and yielding all the benefits that come with it — namely, gathering and acting on timely data.

That is to say, the palmiest OEE-based initiatives are primarily data-driven. The first step towards greater production output is, therefore, using relevant data to make intelligent decisions and build a foundation for continuous plant availability, performance, and quality optimization.

This globally accepted standard for measuring manufacturing productivity indicates how efficiently industrial equipment is running and patently locates potential hindrances in the production flow.