Why Strategy Is Only as Good as Its Execution: Alignment for a Smarter, Better and More Efficient Service Operation John Smith2023-11-27T22:15:22+01:00Aftermarket, Featured|
Composable Manufacturing: The Key to Flexibility in Servitization John Smith2023-12-08T09:49:31+01:00Aftermarket, Featured|
Designing Your Organization to Service the Customer John Smith2023-11-15T13:40:17+01:00Aftermarket, Featured|
Service-First Business in a Digitized World John Smith2023-08-31T10:19:43+02:00Aftermarket, Featured|
Making Service an Integral Part of Your Business John Smith2023-05-25T15:38:38+02:00Aftermarket, Featured|
Why Aftermarket Players Pivot Toward Digital Twins John Smith2023-03-09T16:46:16+01:00Aftermarket, Featured, Spare Parts|
Understanding Customer Satisfaction: 15 Metrics to Gauge the User Experience John Smith2023-03-09T16:46:17+01:00Aftermarket, Featured, Field Service, Manufacturing|
Designing for Service—How to Increase Customer Lifetime Value and Service Monetization John Smith2023-03-09T16:46:19+01:00Aftermarket, Featured, Pricing Excellence|
Aftermarket Logistics: How Does Last-Mile Delivery Affect Customer Satisfaction? John Smith2023-03-09T16:46:20+01:00Aftermarket, Featured|
How to Build Resilience in Your Supply Chain—5 Lessons from COVID-19, Brexit, Suez Canal, and More John Smith2023-05-06T15:42:08+02:00Aftermarket, Featured, Supply Chain|