Lars Karlsson

Lars Karlsson

Lars Karlsson

Lars Karlsson is one of the most well-known customs leaders in the world and has an extensive background over three decades in Customs and international trade policy. Mr. Karlsson has outstanding experience from Government capacity building, private sector consulting, research, reform and modernization.

Before joining KGH, Mr. Karlsson was Director of the Word Customs Organization (WCO) and prior to that Deputy Director General and Managing Director of Swedish Customs. As the first Director of the WCO Capacity Building Directorate Lars Karlsson lead the work of developing and implementing the SAFE Framework of Standards and the Columbus programme, as well as introducing WCO programmes like e.g; the PICARD Academic programme, e-learning and leadership development programme.  During his time in Swedish Customs he was the architect behind the Authorized Economic Operator concept, the first AEO model and the first Single Window. He has worked with AEO design, development and implementation in 45 countries.

He presently serves as Senior Advisor on Customs and Security matters to Governments in more than ten countries, including Australia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, UAE the United States.