01. Webinar

Streamlined Efficiency, Smart Savings: 
Beyond the buzzword, discover AI’s impact on your Field Service Operations


Welcome to our webinar focused on field service optimization through technological advancements. Register today to secure your spot and discover how AI is revolutionizing field service operations.

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In this session, we’ll explore how cutting-edge AI technologies are reshaping the landscape of field service operations.

We’re excited to introduce our esteemed speakers who will guide us through this insightful discussion.

  • Understanding the Changing Landscape of Field Service Operations — As field service practitioners, we face evolving challenges. From resource allocation to meeting customer expectations, the landscape is dynamic. Join us as we delve into the importance of efficient scheduling and resource planning amidst technological advancements.
  • Core Components of Field Service Optimization — Discover the key components of field service optimization, including agile scheduling solutions and predictive analytics. Learn how integrating customer interaction into service scheduling ensures seamless delivery.
  • Leveraging Technology for Business Value — Uncover the business impacts of optimization, leading to cost reduction and increased revenue. Through case studies, explore how organizations have achieved significant improvements in efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  • Bridging the Gap Between Innovation and Implementation — Learn about the agility and scalability required in implementing technology solutions. We’ll discuss the flexibility of solutions like OMD and address concerns surrounding AI in field service operations.

We look forward to welcoming you to the webinar!

03. Speakers

Frank Klomp
Managing Partner, OMD

Michael Kleweken
Senior Consultant, OMD

Laurin Brechter
B. Eng. Industrial Engineering, Dortmund University

Lisa Hellqvist
Managing Director, Copperberg

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights into field service optimization.

04. Register

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights into field service optimization!