
Advancements in machine learning have entirely transformed the last couple of years. 78% of top-performing field service teams use AI regularly. This tool is often used to optimize processes and handle busy work, but that is only the beginning of what it can accomplish.

Author Nick Saraev

Photo: Freepik

The renowned aftermarket and service expert Prof. Dr Aymen Gatri shared at our recent field service forum about how to find the hidden potential of generative AI. He explained how data can be cleaned, knowledge shared, and issues resolved before they happen. All this and more is made possible by expanding your definition of AI’s use. 

Challenges of Field Service 

While tools like AI come and go, the challenges facing the field service industry remain consistent. To understand how Gen AI can assist you in addressing these issues, we have to understand the core of the problems. This includes 

  • Scheduling and Dispatching Conflicts 
  • Inadequate Data Accessibility and Communication 
  • Inefficient Resource Management 
  • Ineffective Customer Engagement 
  • Remote Diagnostics and Issue Resolution 

Before you start any digitization journey, you have to ask yourself what problem you’re trying to solve. AI might be the solution, or it might complicate things further. At the moment, the biggest barriers to success for field service companies across the globe include

  • Field Engineer’s Access to Knowledge Base 
  • Global Supply Chain Challenges 
  • Information Being Stored in A Variety of Formats 
  • Providing Comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety Training 
  • Enhancing Customer Satisfaction and Response Time 
  • Efficient Allocation of Field Workers 

While AI can be a game changer for some of these issues, others can be solved in simpler ways. 

Why Gen AI 

In the past, the idea of computers learning to think was nothing more than science fiction. In the last 50 years, however, huge advancements have made AI a reality. Through increased computing power, cloud computing, big data, and more, we’ve been able to use machine learning to transform the AI world. 

This smart data allows teams to predict the future through pattern recognition. In order to make these predictions, the AI requires vast amounts of data. This data must be 

  • Qualified – Information has to be clean and accurate to produce valid results
  • Available – Customers may be reluctant to give you access to their machines’ data 
  • Safe – Any data you collect must be protected under the Data Privacy Act

Generative AI can assist in finding data that fits this criteria, and fill in any gaps. The ideal workflow for using AI in this way is 

  • Big Data Processing and PreparationData cleaning, human insight, and data generated by simulation        
  • AI Modeling – Model design, hardware accelerated, and Interoperability 
  • Simulation and Tests – Integration with complex systems, system simulation, and system verification           
  • Provision – Embedded devices and enterprise systems                       

It’s vital that the data you have is extremely clean and accurate. This will not only help ensure your predictions are founded, but it can act as a litmus test for any generated data you use to fill in the gaps. Compare the synthetic data to the information you’ve collected to ensure the generative AI is working well.  

Generative AI Solutions 

Gatri explained how Gen AI could address each of the common issues with modern field service. 

Access to Knowledge

The easiest way to bring information to engineers in the field is with a virtual field assistant. While these have been around for a long time, their capabilities have skyrocketed.

By training AI on manuals and use cases, you can create a hyper-accurate chatbot that answers technician questions in real-time. 

Supply Chain Issues

By breaking down patterns and key factors, AI can optimize your supply chain. From automating repetitive tasks to flagging issues with your warehouse optimization, it can prepare you for unexpected upheavals. 

Health and Safety

Virtualized OHS Training can be created with generative AI. This means modules can be crafted to fit individual learners’ needs. With unlimited branching, workers can learn at their own pace and focus on relevant skills. 

Customer Support 

You can create an automated response system that can provide consistent and immediate support for customer questions. This reduces response times and streamlines your support operations. Additionally, AI can identify patterns in support inquiries and suggest ways to improve. 

Allocation of Field Service Workers 

Predict where and when your field service workers will be needed most, and find the most efficient way to deploy them. AI can analyze data from previous service calls and use real-time information to generate optimized schedules for your workers.

Implementation Challenges

The requirements for effective AI are clear, but not always easy to ensure. data quality and security are of the utmost importance, and implementing AI properly takes time and money. 

The most pressing issue, however, is that of independence. How can companies remain in control when using AI? Your team must avoid becoming dependent on technology, or mistakes can fall through the cracks. 

Gatri provided solutions for these challenges. He urged companies to ensure they have a clear idea of their goals for AI. This will keep them focused through the development process. The more training and education your team can have, the more they will understand AI and how it works. 

Companies should also consider alternative solutions to problems. This will give them a backup plan in case of a technical failure or unexpected event. 

If you don’t invest in creating your own AI model, you will be sharing your data with every other person who uses the gen AI. This makes independence even more vital. 


We are still in the beginning stages of AI’s implementation. As time goes by, field service professionals will discover more and more uses for this powerful tool. While you should never become entirely dependent on a single solution, testing out new ways to implement generative AI can solve problems that previously seemed impossible. 

From customers to technicians to dispatchers and beyond, everyone can benefit from the support that machine learning provides.

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