01. White Paper

From Efficiency to Expansion: The Evolution of E-Commerce in Manufacturing

Digital commerce is now a core component of business strategy encompassing product showcasing, self-service facilitation, and brand reinforcement.

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Digital commerce has transitioned from an IT-centric function to a strategic business imperative.

The responsibility for managing digital initiatives has shifted to top executives like CEOs, CMOs, and sales leaders, showing that digital commerce has become an integral part of business strategy, driving revenue growth, and expanding market share.

The adoption of advanced technologies, such as AI and customized client portals, is enabling manufacturers to further personalize customer interactions and provide integrated customer experiences, playing a key role in enhancing customer engagement and driving sales.


Litium AB is one of the Nordic region’s leading companies in digital commerce.

We help businesses in B2B and B2C to accelerate their sales, quickly scale up their business, reach new markets and create market-leading customer experiences online. We do this by offering a scalable and cloud-based e-commerce platform that is built for growth. For more information, visit the website.

Copperberg is an expert original content creation company specialising in the manufacturing sector.

With years of experience, we have cultivated a robust global business network, supported by continuous research and relationships with key stakeholders in the manufacturing industry. Our reputation for reliability and success is built on delivering outstanding platforms that provide key insights into industry challenges, future trends, and market developments. Our business platforms serve as catalysts for growth and global relationship-building within the industry. For more information, visit the website.

As manufacturers continue to invest in and evolve their digital commerce strategies, they will continue to unlock new growth opportunities and remain competitive in an increasingly digital marketplace.