Jean-Thomas Célette

Jean-Thomas Célette

Jean-Thomas Célette

CEO | Coresystems

JT is the CEO of Coresystems, where he strives to bring Field Service Management into the era of Artificial Intelligence, in order to address the industry’s most pressing problems: Knowledge attrition through the aging workforce, scarcity of talent, operational efficiency and sustainability.

Prior to taking the helm at Coresystems, his career has centered around bringing new technologies to work to increase efficiency, market access and safety. He has helped large corporations plan and execute their digital transformations, managed a drone manufacturer to successfully transform industries such as agriculture, mining and civil engineering, and most recently worked for Google.

JT’s View: “Field Service Technicians spend a big chunk of their time documenting what they did to fix  a problem and make a customer happy. In most cases, their documentation sits in a datastore and is never looked at again – yet a tremendous amount of knowledge is hiding there, waiting to be unleashed. How can we use that data to become more efficient, spend less time troubleshooting and increase our first-time fix rate? By enhancing our skills with AI.”